Sunday, April 10, 2011


it's been a long time not leave a post at here... actually, i am not a good blogger. i know.. my post can be count with finger. what means to write a blog if nobody read it??? i'm realize..when ms.A talk about blog, she never mention about mine.. blog not attract people to read..the input is not interesting.. and maybe, they doesn't  like me.. i know, among all of them in the classes..i am the "lower" one.. no attention given.. even i keep on trying to show myself..but no one ignore me... it's hurt when i am trying to smile since actually it's not from my heart... however, next week is the last assessment.. hopefully..all of us will do the best based on their effort... for ms.A sorry and thank you so much for everything that make me trying to improve... i will keep on pretending to be as what am I by now....

by jack canfield

this isn't a trick question. certainly you know the answer- the person who has been responsible for the life you live right now: YOU.
everything about you is a result of your doing or not doing..your income, debt, relationship, health, fitness level, attitudes and behaviors. 
I've often said that you are either creating or allowing everything that is happening in your life. i think everyone knows this in their heart, but often times people convince themselves into thinking that external factors are the source of their failure, disappointed, and unhappiness. external factors do not determine how you live. YOU are in complete control of the quality of your life, by either creating or allowing the circumstances you experience. when I hear people complain about the state of their life (be it their problems with personal finance, weight, their job, or general dissatisfaction), i like to help them see things differently. if they feel 'stuck' and unable to move forward for whatever reason, i ask the to scrutinize both what is working well and what isn't working well in their life and see how they've arrived at where they currently are. for example, if a women tells me she's unhappy with her weight -she travels frequently, and has no time to exercise or seek healthy food- i point out that her weight is not a result of her travel and schedule. it's an outcome of what she chooses to eat and how she chooses to move, regardless of her daily agenda. why not make a conscious effort to pre-plan healthy meals and snacks, even if it's on the go, and sneak in 10 minutes there to be physically active ( hey, i know some frequent flyers that make it a habit of running through airport!). if you frustrated with any area of your life, then it's time to take a little inventory.
certainly there are wonderful things happening, whether it's your job, your romantic relationship or your friends. your accomplishments are just as important as your missteps. 
first, congratulate yourself on your success; and then take a look at what isn't working out so well. what are you doing or not doing to create those experiences? watch out! if you made yourself beginning to complain about everything but the choices you've made, then you need to take step back. see if you can stop blaming outside factors for your unhappiness. 
when you realize that you-and only you- create your experiences, you'll realize that you can  un-create them and forge new experiences whenever you want.
how empowering is that!!!